
Our infant care staff are all specialists in the care of babies.  They love and care for your baby as if he/she were their own.  Along with this loving attention, we incorporate an abundance of educational opportunities throughout the day. Our teachers provide curriculum based on Creative Curriculum and other benchmarks accepted throughout the industry (as listed below).  We practice positive guidance and implement physical activities to develop social behaviors and gross motor skills. 

Our classroom is filled with a variety of colorful, developmentally appropriate toys and equipment designed for your child’s physical and mental growth.  Our teachers read, sing, and play with the children to ensure progressive language development as well as the cognitive and emotional development. 

Each of our infants has an individualized schedule that is updated periodically and designed to meet his/her needs. In addition, our teachers also make sure to communicate with parents regarding their child’s day. We provide a daily communication sheet for each child with all the details the parent needs to know about what happened that day! How much did the child eat, when and how long did he/she sleep, when was he/she changed and what were the activities for the day.

At Rocking Horse Academy we provide our babies with an extraordinary environment filled with plenty of love and the educational stimulation babies need for healthful growth and development. 

Social & Emotional Development

Recognize familiar people

Separates from parents easily

Plays cooperatively with friends

Expresses appropriate emotions

Imitates adult actions in play

Follows routines independently

Gross Motor

Reaches for objects

Rolls over independently

Holds head steady

Supports head/chest on tummy

Sits up independently

Pushes/pulls toys

Moves to music


Pulls up to standing position

Stands alone

Climbs playground equipment

Throws a ball


Self Help

Drinks from cup

Eats table food

Naps once a day
Fine Motor

Can grasp object with one hand

Can transfer object from one hand to the other one

Can pick up small objects (Cheerios)

Follows object with eyes

Understands simple instructions

Understands and/or uses sign language
to communicate

Enjoys listening to song/finger plays and stories

Names or points to familiar objects